Avimark vs Cornerstone vs VETport
how veterinary clinics can go big in 2020
Updated: 25 March 2020

Avimark vs Cornerstone vs VETport

When choosing an effective veterinary practice management software, considering careful patient care, appointment scheduling, inventory control, and financial oversight is necessary. Today's technology-driven environment relies on Veterinary Practice Management Software (PIMS) to streamline operations and boost efficiency.

However, with so many Veterinary PIMS options available, choosing the right one might be intimidating. This emphasizes the importance of complete comparison before making a decision. Here’s an end-to-end comparison guide that will help you ease out your practice’s direction. 

Opting for the best Veterinary Practice Management Software (PIMS) requires careful consideration beyond aspects that are immediately noticeable. This section provides a detailed comparison of market leaders Covetrus AVImark, VETport, and IDEXX Cornerstone by breaking down ten important factors: pricing, user interface, and integration possibilities.

1. Pricing

Although it may seem simple at first, weighing upfront expenses against long-term value is a difficult calculation. Covetrus AVImark entices with reduced initial investments, however larger clinics may incur higher costs due to its tiered pricing dependent on practice size. 

While IDEXX Cornerstone uses a hybrid approach that combines upfront costs with variable subscription parts, VETport competes with stable subscription options. Assessing the size of your practice and your anticipated development is essential to determine the most economical structure.

Pricing is still one of the most crucial aspects of PIMS that should be taken into account despite all other considerations. VETport's pricing structure is $ 199 based on No. of Doctors, making it one of the most economical PIMS available on the market. While 

To see if the program is right for your practice, try it out for free for 15 days. Free customer service is offered around the clock; plus, you will receive free software upgrades. 

However, AVImark does not provide a free trial and costs more than twice as much as VETport. A supplementary expense for installation and training is also involved. The same is true for Cornerstone.

2. User Interface and Ease of Use

Staff adoption and productivity are directly impacted by software usability. Examine the user-friendly navigation and customization choices, as it’s one of the key components. 

The UI of Covetrus AVImark can require additional customization, whereas VETport and IDEXX Cornerstone place an emphasis on ease of use. In order to minimize training time and maximize productivity, take into account the technological comfort level of your team and give priority to interfaces that enable seamless adoption.

The biggest issue with most PIMS is their one-size-fits-all approach. Therefore, practice managers may struggle to customize the workflow for their needs. Clinicians and administrators lose time due to this; thus, customization options can limit PIMS selection. 

While VETport doesn’t have a special app that forces users to download, cluttering up their phone, it offers a mobile interface for pet owners. What’s more, VETport has a user-friendly client portal with easy customization options. It lets you customize exam forms, client communications, and medical records. If you don't want to do it yourself, you can hire a third party to integrate it with the software. 

3. Integration Capabilities

Contemporary methods flourish in a heterogeneous technical environment. Make that the PIMS you have selected works flawlessly with current systems, such as online pharmacies and lab equipment. 

Covetrus AVImark supports a large variety of external tools and has strong integration possibilities. VETport concentrates on key integrations (such as Quickbook, DICOM, and Supplier integration) to provide seamless platform interactions. IDEXX Cornerstone adopts a specialized strategy by providing integrations suited for particular veterinary specializations. 

In this digital age, clinic data must be accessible worldwide; most PIMS are cloud-based and accessible from home, work, or on the go. VETport, AVImark, and Cornerstone are all cloud-based. However, you must find fine points even with cloud technology. AVImark offers on-premises and cloud deployment, giving you the best of both worlds. 

Cornerstone, on the other hand, uses cloud technology but runs on a server. VETport works on laptops, phones, and desktops, making it the easiest to access. People who use multiple systems must opt for this feature. Also, VETport has a microchip integration, and you can even get a discount on your purchase!

4. Data Security and Compliance

Data security for clients and patients is critical in today's digital environment. Check to see if the PIMS you have selected complies with HIPAA rules. Examine the security and data encryption features of each software, and then make your decision. 

Although data security is the top priority for all three alternatives, Covetrus AVImark provides strong encryption techniques, VETport stresses frequent security assessments, and IDEXX Cornerstone highlights its disaster recovery capabilities. Determine which option offers the most complete security blanket by assessing your needs for data sensitivity and risk tolerance.

Payment methods, third-party functionality that the software can access, lab linkages, and marketplaces are examples of integrations. For example, VETport enables integration with all of the nation's leading labs, including Gribbles, Antech, VetScan, and Abaxsis. Via VETport, the produced lab reports are immediately connected to EMRs.

Additionally, the application accepts a variety of payment methods, including cash, checks, debit cards, and credit cards. Hands-free transactions are possible with Direct Connect and Open Edge. VETport supports a number of well-known third-party applications, including Slack, Vetenvoy, Idexx-Labs, Antech-Labs, VetSMS -Text Messaging, and the Open Edge payment platform.

In a similar vein, Cornerstone and AVImark interface with a number of significant labs and outside programmes. Prior to selecting the PIMS for your clinic, you must determine which applications and labs you will require—and if your software of choice is compatible with them. 

5. Inventory Management

Cost reductions and increased operational effectiveness are directly correlated with effective inventory management. Examine the accuracy with which each software can track supplies and drugs. 

While VETport makes use of reorder points that can be customized, Covetrus AVImark and IDEXX Cornerstone provide real-time inventory tracking. Determine the optimal solution for stock control by evaluating your desired level of automation and the volume of inventory you have.

Supply management can be challenging, particularly when carried out entirely by hand. Simplifying that can be aided by a quality PIMS. To make it easier for you to restock, AVImark includes an Inventory Management system that notifies you when something is running low. 

Additionally, it monitors the retail and medicine supply levels as well as the prices of these goods. However, VETport comes with an inventory management system where you can view your inventory's reports, products that have expired, and transactions.

Not only that, though. If you want to establish a smooth connection between your vendor items and yourself, you may also use the Basket Management system. To prevent the boredom, you can also add stock to your purchase orders. Although it is not as sophisticated, Cornerstone also has an inventory tracking system.

6. Deployment Options

The unique requirements and preferences of your practice will determine whether to implement on-premises or in the cloud. While Covetrus AVImark and other on-premise options give tighter data control, cloud solutions like VETport enable scalability and remote access. With cloud and hybrid deployment strategies, IDEXX Cornerstone accommodates both tastes. To ensure you pick the right choice, assess your internet access, IT infrastructure, and data control needs.

7. Customization Capabilities

For best use, software must be tailored to your particular practice's workflow. Examine all of the software's modification choices and opportunities for custom creation. While Covetrus AVImark focuses user-driven interface changes, VETport offers a variety of add-on modules for customized functionality. IDEXX Cornerstone offers adaptations for unique practices that are specific to the industry. Determine the essential requirements and desired degree of personalization in order to choose the most flexible option.

8. Reminders, Calendars, and Appointments

Efficient scheduling of appointments and prompt communication are essential for seamless operations. Examine the appointment scheduling capabilities offered by each program, such as multi-doctor calendars and drag-and-drop capability. While VETport concentrates on simple calendar integrations, Covetrus AVImark provides customizable scheduling options. IDEXX Cornerstone offers customized appointment services according to your field of expertise. 

Examine other alerts and reminder features for employees and customers. Two-way communication channels are prioritized by Covetrus AVImark, whereas VETport offers configurable appointment reminders. Determine your communication preferences and level of scheduling complexity before selecting the software that will ensure that appointments go successfully and everyone is informed.

Calendars, appointment reminders, and appointments themselves are all very important and should be seamlessly linked to prevent you from wasting time on time-consuming tasks. In light of this, VETport has a number of fantastic features! If you're in a rush, you can schedule appointments quickly by entering a few patient facts into the system. 

Additionally, you can programme a reminder for immunisations, regular checkups, appointments, etc. You can use the calendar and notification pane in VETport to view inventory, tasks, billing, and boarding information. Emails, SMS, and postcards are used by the software to remind users of appointments.

9. Workflow Management

Increasing productivity and providing better patient care are two benefits of streamlining practice operations. Evaluate how well each piece of software can automate chores and provide unified dashboards to streamline operations. 

While VETport places more emphasis on automation technologies, Covetrus AVImark provides configurable workflows. IDEXX Cornerstone customizes workflow solutions for particular specialties within veterinary medicine. Determine the level of automation you want and the obstacles in your present process to identify the software that will best support the growth of your firm.

Some employees may be operating in a different time zone than you in this digital age. In the event that you oversee a clinic with staff members who put in long hours, software becomes necessary. The good news is that synchronisation will never be an issue again because VETport supports many time zones. IDEXX Neo appears to be the only other PIMS that supports this capability. Cornerstone and AVImark are incompatible with one another.

10. Marketing Features

Developing enduring customer relationships is crucial to the expansion of your practice. Examine the client communication features of each software, such as automated appointment reminders and email marketing. 

Customizable communication templates are where VETport excels, and Covetrus AVImark provides integrated marketing campaign capabilities. IDEXX Cornerstone offers capabilities for focused communication tailored to your veterinary specialty. In order to choose the software that encourages customer involvement and loyalty, identify your marketing objectives and target market.

Feature Comparison of Veterinary Practice Management Software:

Covetrus AVImark
IDEXX Cornerstone

Training & Support

• Extensive online tutorials and webinars

• Live chat, phone, and email support

• Specialty-specific training resources

• On-site training available (additional cost)

• Knowledge base and community forum

• Dedicated customer support team

Self-Check-in & Boarding Modules

• Limited self-check-in options

• Client portal with online appointment booking

• Boarding management module available

• Basic kennel management features

• Customizable intake forms

• Integration with pet care apps

Mobile App Accessibility

• Mobile app for staff and clients

• Mobile app for clients only

• Limited mobile app functionality

• Remote access to core features

• Offline access to some data

• No remote access currently available

Payment & Billing Management

• Integrated invoicing and payment processing

• Secure online payment options

• Flexible billing and invoicing tools

• Automated reminders and late fees

• Integration with accounting software

• Customizable payment plans

Paperless Systems Implementation

• Tools for electronic medical records and document storage

• Secure online client portal for document sharing

• Limited paperless features

• Scanning and OCR capabilities

• Integration with e-signature services

• Encourages but doesn't enforce paperless workflows

Reporting & Analytics

• Pre-built and customizable reports

• Real-time dashboards and performance tracking

• Specialty-specific reports and analytics

• Appointment reports, inventory reports, financial reports

• Client engagement reports, marketing campaign reports

• Benchmarks and industry comparisons

Reviews & Reputation

• Positive reviews for user-friendliness and support

• High ratings for affordability and customization

• Mixed reviews, some concerns about features and cost

• Strong industry reputation

• Growing market presence

• Established brand recognized in veterinary field

Trial Period & Demo Evaluation

• Free trial available with limited features

• Free demo available, customized to your needs

• Limited trial period, specific features may vary

• Onboarding assistance and training included

• Demo showcases key features and benefits

• Focus on understanding your unique practice requirements

Making the final decision

When it comes to selecting the ideal veterinary practice management software, making the final decision requires a comprehensive approach.



  • Subscription-based model ensures predictable costs.
  • User-friendly interface simplifies adoption.
  • Strong community forum and knowledge base foster learning.


  • May lack specific features compared to competitors.
  • Less emphasis on specialty-specific needs.
  • Limited mobile app functionality.

Covetrus AVImark:


  • Affordable initial investment, ideal for smaller clinics.
  • Robust integration options cater to diverse technology needs.
  • Extensive online training resources readily available.


  • Tiered pricing structure can become expensive for larger practices.
  • Interface may require more adaptation for some users.
  • Limited customer support channels compared to competitors.

IDEXX Cornerstone:


  • Deep industry expertise and specialty-specific modules.
  • Dedicated customer support team caters to specific needs.
  • Scalable solution accommodates future growth potential.


  • Higher price tag compared to other options.
  • Onboarding and support may require additional investment.
  • Limited trial period and demo accessibility.

First and foremost, factors such as pricing, scalability, and feature sets should be carefully considered. It's essential to evaluate the software's ease of use, training resources, and available support options to ensure a smooth transition for your team.

Prioritizing long-term value, integration capabilities, and future growth potential is paramount for sustainability. To facilitate the decision-making process, compare demos and trials side-by-side, seeking input from your team and clients.

Ultimately, opt for the software that best aligns with your practice's unique needs and vision, ensuring seamless integration into your daily operations and facilitating optimal patient care.

Want to try VETport for FREE?


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